Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The tired life of Sierra Burton

As Dad left work today and I was staying for another 4 hours I mentioned to him I was very tired. See, I worked 8:30-1:20 at Old Navy and was now at Panorama from 4-9. He said welcome to the life of work, and congratulations. As much as I love knowing I am making lots of money towards sure is exausting! It makes time go quicker and I am now actually tired at night when I go to bed. I was thinking about getting a membership at a gym so that I can stay in shape, but even I, the great energy bunny, am out of energy and dont think I can muster enough for a quick jog and the lifting of a few weights!


Joy said...

Sounds like life is good. I always feel better when I am busy and my days are full. Crazy but busy.

Daniel B. said...

At least you have colorful pillows to sleep on in between...